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Coming Soon - Shoegaze Archive reissues from Alison's Halo, KG, and Bethany Curve

Manufactured Recordings is excited to announce forthcoming reissues from 3 tragically over-looked 90's shoegaze and noise bands - all of which will be additions to the Shoegaze Archive series.

Come Closer, We're Cool compiles early singles and unreleased tracks from France's undeniably cool, fuzzy noise pop band, KG, to be available on vinyl, limited CD, and digitally.

Originally slated to release through Omnian Music Group label-mate Captured Tracks, Alison's Halo's Eyedazzler, will finally be seeing a limited first run of CD's, and digital reissue, as well as its overdue vinyl debut, all through MFG/SGA!

And finally, Mee-Eaux, the debut release and forever out-of-print space noise cassette from Santa Cruz post-shoegazers, Bethany Curve. Available once again on its original format, as well as a limited run of CDs and digital for the first time.

Stay tuned for updates on the progress of these reissues, as well as the official release date and pre-sale to be announced very soon!

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